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Games I Bought This Month - April 2008

 I got quite a few games this month, most were given to me by a good friend of mine, or bought at a garage sale for super cheap. Japanese Version  Flying Dragon (N64)  South Park (N64)  Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation (DC)  Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 (DC)  PlanetWeb Web Browser 2.0 (DC)  NBA 2K1 (DC)  NFL 2K1 (DC)  Toy Commander (DC)  Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX (DC)  Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES (PS2) In total I spent 40 bucks. 30 On Persona 3 FES, and the other 10 for the Dreamcast games. The N64 games were given to me. =D Oh, and of course, can't forget I got this baby. =D  It's the 349.99 USD model with the 20 GB HD, wireless controller, headset, and a free month of Xbox Live Gold. Holy crap, my next blog is my 100th one. :shock: