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Games I Bought This Month - May 2008

 This also just happens to be my 100th blog. Games I Bought This Month:  The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (X360)  The Orange Box (X360)  Grand Theft Auto IV (X360)  The World Ends With You (DS) I'm not sure but I might have a rare edition of Oblivion, it has a T for teen rating on the box. :? Song Of The Month: Major Tom by I Hate Kate So yeah, I level up tomorrow, my last day of school is wednesday, and I graduate on June 7th, life is great. I've been really busy lately though, so that's why I haven't commented in some of your blogs lately, sorry about that. :( Have a good month everyone, SERIOUSLAH!!!


jesus_knight shadowlaguna zxv33

jesus_knight-- --ShadowLaguna---zxv33----totalgridlock

omgimonfire13 tancred8120 mac906


