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My Last Blog of 2006

I hope everyone has a happy 2007. Set some goals and try your hardest to accomplish them. ;) I know it's a little late but here is a list of games that I recieved for Christmas: 1.) Elite Beat Agents (DS) (Early Gift) 2.) Advance Wars Dual Strike (DS) 3.) Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (DS) 4.) Age of Empires: The Age of Kings (DS) 5.) Kirby Squeak Squad (DS) 6.) Burnout 3: Takedown (PS2) 7.) Burnout Revenge (PS2) 8.) Burnout Legends (PSP) 9.) Sonic Rivals (PSP) Some other gifts I recieved for Christmas were: 1.) Def Leppard CD 2.) $50.00 3.) Gift Certificates 4.) Candy 5.) Misc. It's a little late but I had a great Christmas. I got to spend time with my family which is what I liked most about it, other than the food. :P