yes i had the robotic eye and the sniper. i dismisssed the ed-e robot but still no luck getting veronica
maccaaccam's forum posts
Ok so this is the first bug i have found in falliut new vegas. im trying to get veronica from 188 trading post to be a companion.
i get the option to say im ready to travel with you then the next screen says id like to but not right now.
what do i have to do?
ok so i have changed my ram timing to 444 12 and i think i uped the voltage to 2.1v. i couldnt find any intel speed step option.
there isnt a way to get a screenshot of a bios normally is there? looks like i need to find my cable for my phone and take a photo that way.
and yeah i was taking it in little steps i tried and increase of 40 to the cpu frequency but the didnt work. should i try something smaller?
yeah any help you can give me will be helpful (lol)
i search around and most guides or instuctions seem to be what im doing but as soon as i touch the cpu frequency the computer will boot till the logo screen then reboot and then work fine. am i missing something?
how would i go about setting my FSB to 1333 instead of 800?
in that guide i linked the computer boots fine until i change the cpu frequency. but what i dont understand is that the frequency is set at 200 automatically. but with a e6750 cpu i would have thought it would have been at 333.33 since everything i have seen is that the FSB is 333.
Also when im meant to set the cpu voltage the only option i have is to set normal and certain volatages. but the guide askes for auto which i guess would adjust the voltages on the needs of the cpu. does notmal do that at all?
any help please
no Amnesia: Dark Descent love? and Penumbra?nintendog66i looked at a amnesia trailer and i dont think i could play it. looked to scary lol and from the tag line thing it sounded like you dont get a gun and the only way to survive is to run and hide.
It has consumed almost every hour of my free time.
i actually have started playing minecraft. what is the overall goal of that game. so far ive only played offline and made like some cave houses and made some things like doors and a boat. i think my main issue is not know what some of the items are. like there these rocks that are more dotty and sometimes drop something i would guess is iron or silver. i wish the items had labels.
kotor is star wars based rpg game isnt it? is kotor a good game for someone who isnt really in to starwars more than seeing the movies like once each?
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