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racism look it up in a dictionary!

okay i'm just going to copy and paste a post i recently made in a forum topic that was in relation to LBP being delayed (yet somehow my post is about resident evil lol):


it makes me sick, resident evil 5 is set in africa ffs, there are black people in africa! how is it racist? none of this fuss was brought up when it was set in spain and there was crap loads of spanish zombies. the real racists are the people who accuse things like this of being racist because they would have no problem if it was a village full of white people, so obviously these people who cry "racist" all the time are the real racists as they are the ones who do not see every1 as equal!


this message is also very well conveyed in a particluar south park episode -

What do you guys think? let me know

Welcome To The Sack Boiz!

okay thanx to LP4EVA2005, we now have a clan name the "Sack Boiz", lmao couldnt help laughing when he came up with the name but i like it :P.

we also have a clan logo thingy to add to your gamespot forum sigs. here it is>


thankyou for your interest, we currently have 5 members and once i have all of you added to my PS3 friends list, i will mail you all to let you know each others PSN IDs.

My LittleBigPlanet Clan

lots of u have queried about how a clan would work in LBP, well it would be a team who played/made levels together of course!

okay, so im really looking forward to the multiplayer play/create aspect of this upcoming game so i decided to create a clan. clan members would all be added as PSN friends for easy get-togethers while on LBP.

this is only the start of this clan, so i have yet to decide a name, who will be in the clan, and numbers of people to be in the clan. i might possibly design a logo that you can add to your gamespot profiles. the clan might even spread out into other online games so we can get well known for being good at games.

let me know what you think of these ideas:

1) a clan logo to add to gamespot forum sigs

2) everyone should get bluetooth headsets

3) player rankings

4) a clan uniform (idea of LP4EVA2005)

let me know of any ideas you have, including clan names, logos etc

if you are interested in joining then leave a comment on this blog!!!:D

Oldskool Games I Am Looking To Purchase

i suddenly have a great thirst for nostalgia, lookin to aquire games i have touched upon in my past as well as games i have missed some where along the way. now that the ps3 has come out, these games can be bought for a few quid so im not afraid to buy any of them with the risk they might be c**p (dunno how strict gamespot is so i used stars).

these are the games i am looking for - (and will find) in noparticular order:

1) digital devil saga 1 & 2

digital devil saga digital devil saga 2

while being totally engrossed in final fantasy for most of my life, i turned a blind eye to other rpgs (apart from star ocean which i was obssessed with). so now i want to delve into this game to see how it compares.

2) tomb raider

tomb raider

i used to watch in absolute fear while my older sister played this in front of me when i was a little kid. wolves seemed to come out of no where and seeing lara die was horrific. since then i have played little bits of the game but want to give this game a proper play through.

3) persona 3

persona 3

another rpg that looks pretty good, hoe did i miss out on these when they came out? maybe because of the boring looking cover

4) nocturne/lucifers call


...yeh u guessed it another rpg, they all appear to be in the same series or something... i dont know. looks very good though, has some good player reviews.

5) xenosaga 1, 2 & 3

xenosaga xenosaga 2 xenosaga 3

ive seen these often in the shops and been tempted to buy them, without knowing anything about them; purely because of the nice artwork on the boxes lol.

6) god of war 1 & 2

god of war god of war 2

ahhh finally a non-rpg game, yeh i played the demo of the first 1 and it seemed pretty good considering this really isnt my usual genre, but im willing to give this hyped up game a go.

7) zone of the enders: the second runner

zone of enders

this is completely not in my usual genre at all. but funnily enough, i really want to play this game just because of its seemingly fast paced action. i didnt choose the 1st zone of the enders because it didnt get very good reviews at all, but this one seems alright.

Gaming 3.0

after years of being an avid gamer; following final fantasy religiously. i was starting to get a bit bored with gaming. no new ideas had really been excerised in ages. then gaming 3.0 came on the horizon and i am happy to say that my gaming love has come back suddenly.

the two titles i am most interested in are of course "home" and "littlebigplanet". i believe these games will continue to evolve years after their releases and will build a large online community that will emphasise the social aspect of gaming which has been lacking somewhat; games in the past had attempted this but only achieved people slagging each other off over headsets lol.