macfaelan / Member

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Oldskool Games I Am Looking To Purchase

i suddenly have a great thirst for nostalgia, lookin to aquire games i have touched upon in my past as well as games i have missed some where along the way. now that the ps3 has come out, these games can be bought for a few quid so im not afraid to buy any of them with the risk they might be c**p (dunno how strict gamespot is so i used stars).

these are the games i am looking for - (and will find) in noparticular order:

1) digital devil saga 1 & 2

digital devil saga digital devil saga 2

while being totally engrossed in final fantasy for most of my life, i turned a blind eye to other rpgs (apart from star ocean which i was obssessed with). so now i want to delve into this game to see how it compares.

2) tomb raider

tomb raider

i used to watch in absolute fear while my older sister played this in front of me when i was a little kid. wolves seemed to come out of no where and seeing lara die was horrific. since then i have played little bits of the game but want to give this game a proper play through.

3) persona 3

persona 3

another rpg that looks pretty good, hoe did i miss out on these when they came out? maybe because of the boring looking cover

4) nocturne/lucifers call


...yeh u guessed it another rpg, they all appear to be in the same series or something... i dont know. looks very good though, has some good player reviews.

5) xenosaga 1, 2 & 3

xenosaga xenosaga 2 xenosaga 3

ive seen these often in the shops and been tempted to buy them, without knowing anything about them; purely because of the nice artwork on the boxes lol.

6) god of war 1 & 2

god of war god of war 2

ahhh finally a non-rpg game, yeh i played the demo of the first 1 and it seemed pretty good considering this really isnt my usual genre, but im willing to give this hyped up game a go.

7) zone of the enders: the second runner

zone of enders

this is completely not in my usual genre at all. but funnily enough, i really want to play this game just because of its seemingly fast paced action. i didnt choose the 1st zone of the enders because it didnt get very good reviews at all, but this one seems alright.