What a douche! Pandering to one of the worst governments in the world who are currently committing genocide amongst other atrocities and crimes against humanity. He obviously needs giant muscles to make up for the loss of his spine. Money grabbing coward!
Wow! Ubisoft and Epic executives talking s**t again!
Uplay sucks and half of your games are broken on release. Still waiting for you to fix Trials Rising on pc?
Epic's business model is unsustainable and the 12% revenue will only last until the Fortnite money train slows down or the Chinese have harvested enough data before pulling their investment.
Ubisoft and Epic are nothing but greedy as*****s these days, they certainly don't give two s**t's about quality and value for money!
@smouche_mole: Entitled to what? Do you work for Epic? WTF are you on about?
Suggesting that businesses have no ethical or moral responsibility for the harm their products may cause is ridiculous.
Unlike you I'm not a self absorbed corporate robot and am willing to criticise bad practice when I feel it's justified. I'm sure Epic, Tencent and the Chinese regime will be happy to welcome someone like you to their ranks.
@Vodoo: Tencent is soooo in bed with the Chinese regime. If you believe their shareholding has no impact on Epic decision making you are a gullable fool. The Chinese government ruthlessly controls information gathered by Tencent and all other tech companies based in China, it's written into their oppressive laws that maintain their survelliance state and iron grip on what it's citizens are allowed to do and see. It's highly likely that Tencents shareholding in Epic is being used to collect data from western citizens, to what end I don't know. Either way I would not trust any company associated with the Chinese regime, just google their endless catalogue of human rights abuses!
In my opinion Epic has brought this situation upon itself, like a few other large publishers it has made a fortune encouraging the very worst behaviour in gamers and particularly children, with random loot boxes, micro transactions and other morally and ethically dubious business practices encouraging toxic competition amongst the most vulnerable in the gaming community. Epic has made huge profits from Fortnite, one of the worst games for encouraging unhealthy behaviour in children and I personally know two children who have stolen their parents credit card details to buy skins etc. When challenged Epics response has been one of total disregard for their role.
With the profits from the ethically and morally dubious Fortnite, they are now conducting ethically and morally dubious business practices to force people to buy from their store, instead of creating a store and community people want to buy in to. Their current business model of taking so little revenue from developers is unsustainable if they are going to create a credible competitor for Steam and buying exclusives that have already been heavily marketed on Steam is underhanded to say the least.
Borderlands like the Metro series built it's pc fanbase on Steam. I personally bought the original Metro 2033 and Metro Last light (and Redux versions) on Steam and was excited when Exodus started being marketed and immediately added to my wishlist. After months of waiting for release and preparing to buy, it was pulled from Steam at the last minute. My initial thoughts were f****** a******* and as a result I won't be buying Exodus as I don't want another half baked front end cluttering my pc's desktop. I have already suffered Origin, Uplay and Battlenet, all of which are there to sell games, give very little back and certainly do not allow in depth critical user reviews.
I'm certainly not encouraging review bombing as it is unhelpful to people new to pc gaming and in particular new Steam users. That said, when a company like Epic uses aggressive and underhanded business practices and effectively sticks two fingers up to the fans of it's franchises, what do they expect. If companies like Epic continue acting like it's ok to exploit consumers as long as it's good for business the backlash will only grow. Consumers are more than fed up with big business acting like it can do what it wants and we just have to accept it, I for one will not be investing in Epics store, unlike Steam they have not earned my loyalty!
@n9302347078: Please read the facts from your own governments statistics, strict gun control works. You clearly will not enter into any meaningful debate about stricter gun controls and are clearly distorting the facts to support your position.
@n9302347078: You seem to have gone completely off topic, the subject was home grown mass shootings not terrorist attacks or professional criminals. A rise in gun crime per capita in the UK is insignificant in comparison to the US, although that doesn't make it any less important. Also hunting animals is legal in the UK and is extremely common where I live in rural England. You can buy various types of guns to hunt animals but virtually none designed primarily to kill humans in potentially large numbers. I'm not sure what an AR-15 is and actually never mentioned any specific gun.
You are right that people kill people not guns but that argument doesn't hold water in a civilized society, even the most level headed sane person can be pushed over the edge for all sorts of reasons. Therefore strict gun controls should be common sense and maybe people shouldn't be allowed to keep them at home. Most people I know that shoot are members of a club, surely a secure storage facility there would make sense.
@n9302347078: Your argument that criminals will always find a way to get the firearms they want may be true but as far as I'm aware it's not professional criminals committing mass shootings in the US. As far as I'm concerned there is no real justification for the average citizen to own an assault rifle and the fact that you can legally buy one in the US inevitably fuels the problem of those sorts of weapons getting into the wrong hands. It's not like we don't have gun crime in the UK but the US clearly has a problem as Florida is one of several mass shooting cases in recent memory.
It's easy to blame video games, movies, facebook etc, etc for the behaviour of the youth of today but in reality the problems stem from crap parenting and the nanny state that gives parents an excuse for failing to tackle bad behaviour. That said, there will always be some people in society that commit serious crimes like mass or serial murders and that has been going on long before even television existed.
With regard to the current situation in the US, the real problem lies with the insane gun laws. I live in the UK where although it is not illegal to own a firearm there are very strict controls and you can't buy an assault rifle or other firearm designed purely to kill large numbers of people. Until the US radically changes it's gun laws tragedies like the Florida shooting will continue to happen!
mack_d4ddy's comments