So I don't understand PS or XBOX fanboys. Get what console you want, don't hate on others for their choices. I don't care if you created an account today or ten years ago. The fact is this. It is your choice, your money. At the end of the day it is who are you going to give that money to. Sony or MS. In my opinion and from my game play. Sony did not have the BEST current console, my PS3 is just a netflix machine now.(I actually laughed when the guy said that PS3 is most used netflix device.) But I really liked party chat on the 360 and that was not available on the PS3. So I bought more games for the XBOX and only bought PS3 exclusives. Again my choice, make yours! Read all the info you like and buy the console of your choice. I will not be buying both consoles this time at launch(now have kids and wife). But I will read up on which one I like. and choose. It is your right to choose for yourself. To be honest, in my opinion I like the 360 better than the PS3. That does not make me a fanboy, it is just my opinion. I don't know why all of you are screaming and hollering about who's console is better. they are two company's that want your money. And from a company view, Sony has fallen on hard times. Samsung and others have crushed their market share in TV's, phones, etc. I would hope that they would put their best effort into the PS4 because the company needs it. I will continue to read and make a choice. When I first saw the MS show from a week ago. I was going to by an XBOX one. Now I am not so sure. Stop all the fanboy madness..
macual Blog
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