So Lydia and I talked it out, and everything seems to be going pretty good. We just have some minor things that we need to work on, but nothing too big.
Last week of school! I'm excited for it to be over. I'm so tired of everything, and everyone. I can't wait to waste my time sitting around. I have a few plans this summer, but nothing too big. Just haning out with people, driving some more (I drove my mom's car yesterday really well), and relaxing. Both of the cars we have are standards, so it's taking me a little longer to figure everything out, but here soon I'll be driving like a pro. I already drive better then Lydia :lol:.
I've been readdicted to San Andreas, such a good game. I'm Grove St. 4 Life.
I also played some really weird game called Bad Mojo. It's an adventure game where you play as a cockroach :?. I saw it on someones list of games, and it had a pretty good GameSpot score so I decided to check it out. It's weird, but it's a lot of fun.
The new RO maps are awesome, I love them, and all the new things it added (like 4 new tanks, and antitank gun placements).
BF2 is also holding me very closely, IMO it's one of the best games ever, if I had to live with one game, it would quite possibally be BF2.
Well I'm going to finish this up, I hope you guys have fun :)