Wow, so I finally got the orange box :)
I beat Portal, it was such an awesome little game, i really really enjoyed it. VALVe seriously are geniouses for the whole story of this game, and how you progress.
Team Fortress 2 is amazing as well. I've had a lot of fun playing it for the short time I have, I see myself spending a lot of hours on it. The graphics are amazing, and I love the source engine. I can max it out with AA and Afiltering at 1024x768 and get like 40FPS.
The only game I haven't played yet is HL2 EP2. I wanted to wait till I had time to really sit down and soak up the story. EP1 really left me hanging, and I can't wait to spend some serious time with EP2.
Short blog, but I'm tired, and I get off work in 48min (grr I'm ready to go home).
The only thing you've mangaged to break is my heart