Right, I did say in my last blog that I had given up on Oblivion . . . I lied, lol. I don't know why, but last weekend I ended up playing for like 16 hours!!! Crazy!!! Really, I just can't stay away from that game :shock: I'm still only level 14 or so, almost have all the gear for the Knights of the Nine, one recommendation to go for the Mages Guild, still working on the Fighters Guild, and now a Knight of some White Stallion thingy, lol. So yes, I think that Oblivion has become my "real life" and this is just "virtual reality", lol.
:cry: I'ts been so hard!!! I've been without any anime or manga since January now cause I've been saving for that anime convention in May!!!! The convention is going to be awesome, but it's hard to go without anime and manga for this long, lol. I'm a total addict! But yeah, only like 4 more weeks or so till I go down to San Jose, then I get to blow all my money, yay! :lol:
It's finally back on!!!!! Yay!!!! :P I totally love that show, it rocks!!! I'm bummed that there are only 4 episodes left, but I plan on buying the series on DVD when it comes out. If you haven't seen it yet, you really need to check it out! This next episode is going to be a killer.
All of my fav teams made it to the semi-finals!!! Yay!!! It's going to be rough for the Sharks though going against the Red Wings, but I hope they win their series. I think the Ducks have a good chance against the Canucks, but after watching game 7 of the Canuck series, I'm not so sure now, lol. As for the Sabres, Ithink they will win but it won't be as easy as last series. Either way, it's going to be great!!! I love the playoffs, games on every night :D
My last addiction . . . .
Yeah, I know it's bad, but I just can't help being addicted to the big O!