mad_tyger / Member

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BOOM Goes GameSpot.

My relationships with video game websites has always been a sketchy one. There was my brief time on IGN. My little stint at GameTrailers. Then there was my two year run on 1up until I got banned for doing nothing. To make a long story short, I ran a large PlayStation club there, some MS fans came onto my club and started to diss the PlayStation. Well, my posse (yes, I had a posse) didn't like that and started to attack their personal pages. Then, the MS club leader threatened me and all out nuclear war was declared. In the end, I think about 500 of us were banned, me included, and I wasn't even directly involved, lol.

So, when that happened, I only really had one other alternative site, GameSpot. I have always hated GameSpot. I know, I'm a hypocrite, I hate the site yet I use it. But only because there is nothing better out there . . . or is there? GiantBomb just opened its doors for business. If you haven't heard of GB yet, it's the new gaming site by ex-GameSpotter Jeff Gerstmann. Version 1.00 isn't too shabby. The site features videos, reviews, previews, and a boat load of other features. So, if you are looking for some new scenery, check out this newest gaming site. As for me, I don't know if I'm going to move completely over to the new site. Only time will tell, but if you are heading over that way, look me up while you're there - madtyger.