mad_tyger / Member

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Changing Hobbies

I've been bored with gaming as of late. I can't seem to find any games that really interest me. So I decided that I'd direct my spending back towards one of my other "hobbies", though it's more like a collection, lol. I basically only spend my money on 4 things: video games, anime, manga, and cds . . . yes, I still buy cds. So, I think I'm going to start buying more manga and anime now. I quit picking up manga since they usually cost 10 bucks a pop and I can go through about 20 books in a day! So, I'm going to try and tone down how much I read at once, lol. There are a few anime series that I want to pick up as well, so I think I'll start with them. I will probably still buy the occasional game, but won't pick up as many games as I used to. Hopefully, after summertime comes and goes, I'll find some more games that I'm interested in.

Other than that, not much going on. Oh, except the fact that I might be quitting college, lol. Nothing else really happening as of late though. Might take a small road trip here at the end of the month. What about you, mina? Got any plans for summertime?