postWell, I think I'm going to call it! The new team name is . . . *drum roll* . . . Power Folders!!!!! So, those who want to join please post which Power Folder you want to be and then join team 56257 on Folding@Home to get started!!!! Thanks for all of your support in trying to cure cancer!!! To check our team stats or your own individual stats, go to:
Here's the article that GameSpot wrote on it too:
UPDATE: Thanks to all of you who joined!!! If you check out our team page and don't see your name listed, it's probably because you haven't completed a Work Unit yet. Only members who have done at least 1 Work Unit are listed. So, don't worry if you haven't shown up yet. If you have already completed a Work Unit, you might want to recheck the Team ID Number that you listed. Thanks again, it's awesome to see all the support!
mad_tyger: White Power Folder
B1ACK_MAGE: Red Power Folder
stl_rams28: Black Power Folder
live4thepackers: Silver Power Folder
killroycantkill: Green Power Folder
jigglespot: Clear Power Folder
foxtrot89: Yellow Power Folder
firestorm91: Gold Power Folder
punkhead66: Gray Power Folder
ray_master777: Nightshade Power Folder
LittleYoshi: Orange Power Folder
hart704: Aqua Power Folder
usagi704: Bronze Power Folder
Timebreaker_49: Peach Power Folder
zeke2040: Blue Power Folder
greenpyro33: Lime Power Folder