When I was little, people would always ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I always replied, "Napoleon." They would always comment with "Well, don't you know Napoleon lost at Waterloo?" My reply, "Yes, he did. But he accomplished what most cannot. He was a common man that became an Emperor and ruled the world." Yes, that was my dream job when I was little. Ruler of the world. I used to joke with my brother (whose name means"ruler")that all I wanted was North and South America, the rest he could have. Though, I haven't done much in my conquest of the world, I think I'm going to be picking up that little side hobby. I have found the perfect partner in crime and the perfect arena in which to start things rolling. zeke2040 is going to be my co-op partner for a bunch of games now including Haze and Army of Two! We are going to make an awesome team. We both think the same way, have a team spirit, and will be able to adapt to anything. And inspired by one of our favorite cartoons, we are going with the team name of B&P. So keep an eye out for B&P in the coming months as we conquer the world one game at a time.
In other news, I'm downloading the PS3 update 2.00 as I type. It's taking an amazingly long time, so hopefully I'll be able to poke around with it soon. I'm glad that we finally are able to make playlists for music and pics since I have over 5000 songs on there! It's annoying to try and search through them to listen to just one song. As for my wishlist of features I still want - in-game XMB, bigger friends list, share music and videos in chat room, in-game chat, in-game video, two players can go online at the same time from one PS3, and an audio recorder.
As for next week, Assassin's Creed comes out! Yay! I probably won't get it until the weekend if I'm lucky since nothing comes up here on time. But I'm excited to check it out and get to assassinating people. Also, Rock Band and Uncharted come out the following week. Excited about Uncharted it looks gorgeous. I'm looking forward to jamming with my bandmates as well. I wish there was some way that you could record your jam sessions to show to other people. That would be an awesome feature for Home, have your band play for your pool party :P