No, I'm not getting fired, lol. But you might, fired as my friend :P No, actually my PS3 friends list is almost full! So, I'm going to be deleting some people. My general rule for friends on the PS3 is that you have to talk to me at least once a month. I usually send out "check-up" emails to see how everyone is doing, and if I don't receive a reply in a month, I'll delete 'em. So, if you talk to me a lot over the PS3, don't worry, I'll still keep ya ;) But if you haven't talked to me in a bit, you might want to if you still want me as a friend on the PS3. So, you can post your PSN ID here and I'll make sure not to delete you. Also, those of you with multiple IDs, I'll be deleting your secondary accounts. So, let me know which one you keep as your main ID.
In other axing news, do any of you do the Gamer's Instinct poll survey thingies? I'm signed up but with every survey they always say "You do not fit the test group." I kind of wonder if it's because I'm a girl . . .or 20 . . . or live in California . . . or maybe it's because I already game a lot. But yeah, has anyone completed a survey yet? I sort of feel left out:( but I guess I could always file a lawsuit for discrimination if it keeps up :P
Other than that, it looks like we're going to start a new funeral home in a town that's just north of here. So, I'll be working full time in a few weeks or so, depending on how fast we get the new place set up. It's both a good thing and a bad thing. For one, I can't make over a certain amount of money because of my college grant which is going to be hard to do working full time. It also cuts into my gaming time as well. Anyway, the good thing is that I can put in a PS2 and bring my dog :P I'll probably just buy a new PS2, I wanted a silver one anyway, and I might pick up a silver PSP too.
So yeah, just a reminder, if you want to stay as my friend on the PS3, make sure to drop me a line on here with your ID or email me over the PSN :D