mad_tyger / Member

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GlitchSpot Is Killing Me!

This is seriously doin' my head in!!! I can't post forum messages, I can't edit my posts, I can't read my mail, I can't track people, heck I'm not even sure I'll be able to post this blog!!! Really, GameSpot is going down the tubes! On the plus side the video tabs is finally working for me but that's about all that's working on here!

So yes, if you've sent me any mail or anything, I apologize but I won't be able to respond anytime soon. Especially since when I logged in today to check my mail, it was completely empty. I had a bunch of messages I was saving or I hadn't replied to yet . . . but they are all gone. Dissapeared into the Oblivion that is GameSpot.

Also, I can't do my "job" on the Eat, Sleep and Live Sony Union! I was working on an ongoing project with homefreak, but since I can't read my emails at all, I can't do anything, lol. This totally sucks too, because we were going to unveil some new stuff this week. Now, it's all been put on hold.

This really isn't my week, lol. What happened at GameStop and now this at GameSpot. I think their names aren't the only similarities.

In other random news,I was looking at my old, old, old blogs and noticed they were really short, lol. I barely wrote a paragraph. Now it feels like I'm writing a book :P I also noticed that my first blog I wrote was to wish my Cousin a happy birthday. Cousin, as in PSP, not a real cousin, lol. I name my consoles - Little Brother is the PSOne, Oniisan is the PS2, Cousin is the PSP, and the PS3 is Ani.

Other than that, not much going on. I seriously hope they get GS fixed though. Because it's really gettin' on me nerves :evil: