Hey mina! How are all of you doing? Well, I am hanging in there. February has been a pretty rough month for me. Things have been very stressful but thanks to a few good friends and Lambert I've been handling things pretty well.
I'm really excited about GDC and can't wait to see the live shows here on GS. There has been a lot of great news coming out so far, so I'm excited to hear what else they have in store. I hope that Sony releases more news about Home and maybe even a release date. I'm also excited to see all the new info on some great games coming out this year. What are you looking forward to the most from GDC?
And if you haven't heard, Blu-Ray won the format wars! w00t! I'm excited that we finally have a winner, I will definitely be picking up more BRD movies now. What about all of you? Will you be picking up any high def movies?
You might be wondering about the title of this blog and the picture. Well, the 2008 Tokyo Game Show has been dated for October 9-12, 2008 in Chiba City. This year's theme is "Ready for GAME time!" and I know I sure am. I really love all these different events but my favorite has to be TGS. And if you don't know what the title means, it translates to "How do you do? I'm Itsumi. Nice to meet you." If you didn't know, my Japanese first name is Itsumi :P
Anyway, hope you all are doing well. Jaa ne!