mad_tyger / Member

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I Lied.

Okay, it is true that I'm sick and tired of gaming and I have started my anime and manga collections back up (already bought 25 books and 6 box sets!) but I made the mistake of browsing through GameStop's pre-order list when I went in to pick up Haze (And no, I don't think it sucks that badly, lol). BIG MISTAKE!!! I saw that they are doing a special for GRID and Soul Caliber IV. So, I will be pre-ordering GRID next payday and SC IV the payday after that. But that's it! I swear those are the last games I'm buying . . . at least I'm going to try not to buy anymore. It just kills me, I know I'm only going to play these games for 5 minutes when I get them and then put them on the shelf, never to touch them again. Though, I do enjoy racing games alot, so maybe GRID will help re-ignite my gaming enthusiasm, maybe.

As for the anime and manga front. I have so many manga, that I'm going to have to build mini shelves to put in my book shelf so I can double stack the books! I finally narrowed it down to 10 ongoing series as well as 1 light novel series. I just finished up RG Veda and hope to finish off Buso Renkin soon. I also pre-ordered all of the Tsubasa and xxxHOLiC that I could up until December. As for the other manga I'm reading: Naruto, Yu Yu Hakusho, La Corda D'Oro, FullMetal Alchemist, Fruits Basket, Penguin Revolution, Tsubasa, xxxHOLiC, Buso Renkin, and Lagoon Engine.

Anime wise, I just finished up Rurouni Kenshin, again! I had originally bought the complete series in the Bento Box versions, but because they were so old, my DVD player had a hard time reading the discs. So I re-bought the entire series in the Economy versions! I also just finished up Tsubasa and pre-ordered volumes 8 and 9 of the Uncut Limited Edition Naruto Box Sets. So, I only have 3 ongoing series right now: Naruto, xxxHOLiC, and Lucky Star. As for anime that I want to pick up, I'm looking at a few series: Death Note, Best Student Council, Cyberteam in Akihabara, Pani Poni Dash, Zegapain, and Maria Watches Over Us.

Oh too, as for the college front . . . I think I worked out some of the problems I was having, like finances and some mixups with my high school. So, hopefully, I won't have anymore further problems.

So, there you go, that's what I've been spending my money on. What about you, picked up any new stuff lately?