Well, what a horrible start to my week!!!!!!!!!!!! I had my wallet stolen right out of the office I work at!!!!! :evil: And within hours, there were charges from all over town on my credit card!!!!!! :cry: My student id, driver's license, military id, costco card, bank account card, auto service card, and two dollars were all taken along with my credit card. So, I've been spending the last couple of days working with the bank, police department, and all the other places that I had cards for to try and clear this up. Luckily, the bank is going to cover the charges since my credit card was stolen. The worst part though is that the entire office thinks we know who stole it but there's no way of proving it, so the cops can't do anything. Plus, what's worse, is that the person who stole it still has to come back to the funeral home (that's where I work by the way, lol) to do a visitation!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil: Anyway, it couldn't have come at a worse time with me leaving tomorrow, lol. Luckily, I can get a military id in a matter of hours, so I'll at least have some picture id. Cause using my birth certificate doesn't work since it's all in kanji! Should have seen how long it took me to get my driver's license cause I had to prove that it was mine, lol and unfortunately no one at the dmv knew how to read it.
Anyway, now that that's been basically cleared up, I'm leaving early tomorrow morning! Yay!!! Fanime, here I come :lol: We have to leave extra early cause even though it's only like a 5 hour drive, we spend about 4 hours in traffic, roadblocks, and really curvy roads. Oh, and the occasional mountain slide that wipes out the only road out of my area, lol.But yeah, it's going to be awesome. My first stop when I get to San Jose is to the tank to pick up a sharks shirt. Then, it's to the hotel and the convention center to register. Friday, is basically all day at Fanime and Saturday there's Play! the video game symphony that night. Sunday and Monday, I'm going to blow the rest of my money and then I'll head back that afternoon. With one last stop at Santa Rosa to spend the remaining pennies I have, lol.
So yeah, I'm going to bring my notebook with me and try to connect to the wi-fi at the hotel without paying, though they have arrested people who do that :shock: New thing that they are cracking down on. Anyway, so I'll try to give an update while I'm down there, if not, have a great week!!! And I'll catch you on the flipside :)