Wow . . . I must say that Fanime Con was avery interesting experience, lol. Both in a good and bad way. :P And the reason why it took me so long to blog is because I had to re-arrange my ENTIRE ROOM to fit all my stuff, lol.
Thursday started very very early with me having to get up at 5am!!!!!!!! I go to sleep at 5am not get up! Anyway, we actually made pretty good time going down. We stopped around Santa Rosa and ate at In 'N Out Burger then continued all the way down to San Jose. We ended up getting in at 2pm or so. Once we found the hotel (and we didn't get lost once!), we got checked in and unpacked. We brought way too much stuff, lol. I think the hotel itself was an experience cause the whole place was being remodeled . . . it was very loud to say the least. Once we were done unpacking, we headed over to the convention center to pick up our pre-registration stuff. There was probably over 200 people divided into two lines . . . and know one knew what the two lines were for . . . so we picked one. And for about two hours, we got shuffled from one line to another until finally someone (who actually knew what they were doing) told us that it was just one big giant line. So, after waiting for a really really long time, we got our registration stuff and then crashed back at the hotel.
Friday We slept in, lol. So, we missed all the opening stuff, but that was a no biggy. And man, I've seen pics of cosplayers before, but to see that many in one location in person! IT WAS CRAZY! They had almost every character imaginable. I don't know how many times I almost got decapitated by Cloud or run over by Naruto, lol. There was a bunch of people dressed up as Light, a lone Kenshin, a really really well done Sora, and a ton (and I mean a ton) of people who really really REALLY NEED TO WEAR UNDERWEAR!!!!
Saturdaywe ended up getting up too early so we headed over to the Tech Center and watched an Imax Dome Movie about Katrina. Then, we watched a ton of anime at Fanime Con!!!! Saw some xxxHolic, Mushishi, Death Note, Lupin III, Dectective Conan, and a bunch more. And oh my word!!!!!! I've read those "How to Survived an Anime Convention" articles and whatnot, and I always thought they were kind of kidding when they talked about Otaku BO, but NO THEY WERE NOT JOKING!!!!!! HOLY FRIGGIN' COW!!!!! IT was SO HORRIBLE smelling!!!! The Con officially starts on Friday at 10am and it never closes un Monday at 6pm. And there are people who wear the SAME costume for the whole Con and who NEVER leave the building, NEVER! It was so bad in one room, that we actually had to move to a different room!!! Yucky!!!
Saturday Night was the best ever!!! PLAY! A Video Game Symphony was totally amazing!!! We got to meet and talk to the producer of the show on Friday which was cool!!! Then, on Saturday we ended up going to the Performing Arts Ceneter at 5pm and the show didn't start 'til 8pm! The first 1k got free stuff though, that's why we went so early, lol. And oh!!!!!! The seating, we were in the orchestra pit! The second row from the stage!!!! What an awesome place to be!!!! And the music was amazing!!! Stuff from Mario, Halo, Zelda, WoW, OBLIVION, and a bunch of world premieres!!! Like LAIR!!!! and the DARKNESS!!!!! They also had some stuff from MGS, Blue Dragon, Chrono Cross/Trigger, and FF VII Advent Children. Man, if you ever get a chance to go see them, GO!
Sunday we basically just watched a bunch of anime, lol. Oh, and ate at this really expensive place . . . and I got potato wedges with my steak. A $40 meal with potato wedges! (And did you know there is no such thing as fast food in San Jose? None, what so ever!) Oh, and the dealers room, lol. That was cool. There's always a huge line to go in there. Ironically, I didn't really buy any anime or manga cause I found out that I could get it cheaper on the internet. So, what did I end up getting? A bunch of figures, keychains, pins, books, movies, and random junk. Like a stuffed dog with his head stuck in a tire (Kawaii!)
Monday was officially the last day of the Con but we ended up skipping it all together cause of the long drive back. Plus, we wanted to stop at the Santa Rosa mall and do some more shopping, lol.
All in all, it was an awesome experience!!! Though, I felt like I sort of stuck out, lol. Why you ask? Cause, I wasn't that geek!!!!! Shock of schocks, lol. Living up in FarNorCal, I'm like an uber geek, but surrounded by other otaku, I lose my geekiness. Oh well, I'll have to wait for a video game convention to really shine :D