So, most of you already know that I'm a big Sony fan. Some of you might also know that I'm a huge news junkie. I frequent Forbes, Reuters,, Nikkei Business Publications, and so many other sites daily [I even peruse the Patent and Trademark webpage :shock:] that I wanted a way to share all my news findings. So I decided to create my own union - Sony News Central!! Woohoo! So, it's a bit different than some of the other Sony unions on here. For one, it's just news only. No extra stuff like contests, clans, and what not. Strictly an informational union only, we cover new on Sony, PlayStation, Sony BMG (soon to ex the BMG), Sony Picture Entertainment, Blu-Ray, SonyBank, and even the Sony Philharmonic Orchestra (bet you didn't know they had one of those did you?). Basically everything that Sony is associated with. So, if you want to find out all the latest news about Sony and not have to search for it yourself, why not join the Sony News Central Union. Let us do the leg work.
Also, I just want to thank my fellow staff members and all the members that have joined so far. zeke2040, R-Force, samsengir, and kiddys just to name a few. So please check it out and join!