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It's Official . . . Again

The PlayStation Magazine is finally official!!! Now called PlayStation: The Official Magazine (wow, so creative there :P) it still sports the same staff, which is why I'm sad :( If you didn't know I was a huge fan of OPM! I loved all the staff and I really trusted their reviews. I was so bummed when they were axed back in November 2006. I even wrote a lengthy goodbye letter to them :cry: But now, PSM has been turned into POM. I'm happy but not at the same time. It's like, why didn't they just keep OPM if they were going to make another official magazine later? And why do they still do the stupid cell phone game section? I'm a console gamer, does it look like I play those sucky cell phone games? So yeah, I'm a little bummed, glad that they are official now, glad that we have an official magazine, but bummed out too because it makes me miss OPM even more.

On the plus side, my father was looking at the magazine cover (which features one of Nissan's new cars from Gran Turismo 5) and he said, "Wow, that's a nice looking car, when does it come out?" I replied, "Well, the game is supposed to come out sometime next year. I don't know when the car will actually hit stateside though." Then my father was like, "Wait, that's from a game?" Yeah, it's that amazing looking. You can barely tell the difference at first glance. Ah, I can't wait to play it. Though I completely suck at GT, I only have 0.03% done on GT4 :P, I still always pick it up just to show off. People always come over asking me about my consoles, especially the PS3 since it's in the news quite a bit. So, I'm glad that I'll have GT5 soon to show off my wonderful Ani!! Well, maybe soon, lol, hopefully sometime in 2008 :P

In other news, I beat Uncharted, yay. And started playing it again right after I beat it. It's that good. Though I'm still trying to beat R&CF, I only have the last level to do. So close. And I'm taking a break from Rock Band. I twisted my wrist playing the drums too much :P So, it's still a little stiff but it should be better by this Saturday. Been playing co-op Rainbow Six Vegas with zeke2040 too. Just can't get enough of that game. I'm really close to finishing up school too, which is nice. I'll have more time to play games :D I also get to go down to San Jose on the 8th, for a Sharks Hockey game against the Sabres, which I can't wait for!

P.S. I usually don't mention when I get new emblems or level up, since I never notice, but I will mention this one.

Games are more important than paying for food or paying the bills.
The serious collector has made a lifelong investment in the pursuit of having way more games than you do. Ignoring review scores, maintaining few friendships so as not to commit oneself to additional spending on birthdays or holidays, this individual is single-mindedly intent on owning lots and lots of games. A noble pursuit, indeed.

^That right there is me to a "T" :D