Merry Christmas mina! Ok, I'm a little early but my break off from school has really gone to my head. On Monday I slept in 'til noon :P So, I thought I might as well wish everyone a happy holiday before I forget, lol. Anyway, what are you plans for Christmas and the holiday season? For me, it's the basic "spend time with family" scenario. Though I can't wait for Christmas dinner! On Christmas Eve we usually do a huge Japanese dinner, Christmas Day is turkey with all the trimmings, then there's New Year's Eve dinner which is a nice Italian type one, and lastly is New Year's Day which is Ham :D Can't wait!
Gaming wise, I picked up UT3 and plan on picking up The Orange Box when EA sends me that free game they owe me for being so late with my guitar, which I haven't got yet. Other than that, not much to report. I'm trying to finish off a lot of my old games so I don't feel so bad spending all this money on stuff I don't play. I'm also doing my final audit of my inventory so it's accurate when I add in my new stuff from Christmas.
Anyway, I hope you all have an awesome Christmas and a great New Year! Also, make sure to drop by to check out my New Year's blog, I've been working on it a bit now, so hopefully you'll like it :D