Well, life's been interesting as of late. I just started back at college and let's just say it's not my favorite passtime. I find myself surrounded by a bunch of asinine little twits (and really, I'm not being mean, they really are an idiotic bunch). None of them can spell (and they don't know how to use spell check), they have no idea how to use the English language, and they don't know how to follow simple directions (Oh, and did I mention they don't know how to listen either?). So, as you can tell, I'm enjoying college thoroughly.
In other news, I was in a car accident, nothing major. I was at a stoplight when the light changed and I was just going forward, but some baka decided that I wasn't going fast enough so they rammed me!!!! I pulled over because I thought they would stop, but no, they just kept going. So, now I have a huge dent in my bumper, lol.
I just finished Rainbow 6 Vegas! During the last level I noticed an equipment box to resupply with. I didn't know there were equipment boxes throughout the levels!!!!! Lol, I was practically doing everything I could to conserve my ammo and gadgets so I wouldn't have to pick up some stupid gun from the terrorists. Oh well, at least it will be easier when I play it on realistic mode.
I just joined a great union - Eat, Sleep and Live Sony. It's the only union that I've actually been active in and that's actually fun. You should check it out, it's got an awesome group of officers and a wonderful leader :D I also have a Sony History post, so check that out!
Other than that, I've been doing a lot of Folding@Home lately since I'm in school. Thanks to all those who are still folding for Team Power Folders! I'll also be posting a blog about Rock Band and forming an online band. I already have a few people who are interested and a few name ideas as well. If you are interested in joining, keep an eye out for a blog in the coming weeks.
Well, that's my general update, hope you are all doing well!