"Why can't we be friends?
The color of your skin don't matter to me
As long as we can live in harmony
Why can't we be friends?"
Hey mina! How was your 4th of July weekend? Or your Canada Day celebrations for those up north? Mine was very busy! The floors were finally finished on the 4th, so I spent the rest of the weekend moving furniture and cleaning the house. My parents decided to landscape the yard too so I also helped haul about a ton of rocks into the yard.
In other news, the floor guys had to cut the cable lines so I am without internet at my house . . . until the 15th!!! Kind of sucks, lol. At least I have it here at work though but shooosh, don't tell anyone that I'm goofing off ;) So for those of you that I talk to on the PSN, sorry I won't be able to answer your messages for a bit but I'll get back to you as soon as I'm online.
Which brings me to another matter. With the new v2.40 update, the friends list has been doubled to 100 people! My friends list has been full for a while and I've had to turn down some friend invites. I've also had a few people send me invites to my sub account which I don't use. So, if you aren't on my friends list and want to add me, feel free! It's madtyger NOT mad_tyger. Just remember to mention who you are so I know who I'm adding. Also, I won't be able to accept your invite until the 15th, when I get back online.
In other news, E3 2008 is getting closer and closer! I've always been a big fan of E3 and the other conferences so I'm excited to see what this E3 has in store for us. Do you have any news or info that you'd like to see come out at E3?
Well, I hope you all had a glorious holiday and didn't light yourselves on fire :P