mad_tyger / Member

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Rainbow 6 Vegas - Clan Members Wanted!!!

Hey there folks :D I'm looking for some people who would like to join my clan for Ranbow 6 Vegas (PS3). "Sorry No Exits" is for anyone, any rank,and people who are a team player.If you want to join just list your PSN ID, your Rank, and if you have a mic y/n. Once you've done that, you can just add "sne" as your three letter prefix under player info in the online lobby. If you've already joined, please post so I have a current list of members :D And make sure to add "sne" to your prefix! Hope to catch you online :D

Edit: I just opened a clan page at So, make sure to pop over there an join Sorry No Exits.

PSN ID: madtyger

PSN ID: killroycantkill

PSN ID: firestorm91

PSN ID: Peachardnnay


PSN ID: bizzyhoody

PSN ID: aplay-may-cry