Yo, it's been a bit since I last posted! Been super busy!!! Well I just saw the gameplay footage for Rock Band and I must say . . . Sugoi Ne!!! That looks like total fun!! Plus, you're supposed to be able to play online head to head or as a band. So, anyone planing on getting the game, keep me in mind, I'd love to form an online band!!! (I play bass by the way) It would be great :D As for my summer, it's crazy!!! I'm going to go on a river boat tour thing this weekend in Oregon, then the next weekend I'm going down to Sacramento for SacAnime Convention. Then in August, I'm going to San Francisco for the Tezuka and Yoshi toshi exhibits that were brought over from Japan and will only be in San Francisco for a few months before going back! It's kind of unusual for me to actually have summer plans, so this is a nice change.
What about you? Any big plans going on? I hope you have a fun summer whether you're going on vacation or just staying in town. Have an AWESOME 4th of July as well!!!! 8)