mad_tyger / Member

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Sequels, Sadness, and Sony.

I'm a little late in writing this, but I have read the most wonderful news to come out this entire year! Beyond Good & Evil, one of my all-time favorite games, is getting a sequel! Happy! Happy! Happy Day! I am really excited about this, I never thought it would get a sequel since it didn't sell too well. I'm hoping they keep all the different types of gameplay intact as well. I loved using the camera and it had a good mixture of platforming and simple stealth action. I also read a rumor from PotM about two other sequels. If I'd have to number my favorite games of all time, Ico and Shadow of the Colossus would be 2 and 1 (Ratchet & Clank coming in a close 3rd with Beyond Good & Evil right behind them), and guess what? THEY ARE GETTING SEQUELS AS WELL!!! Team Ico is rumored to be making not one PS3 game, but 2! 2! Dos! Ni! I almost had a stroke right there when I read that! Hopefully the rumor is true because I love Ico and SotC, and even through they are spiritual sequels, I'd love to get my hands on a direct sequel as well. So now, my goal is to replay all of the games that are getting sequels. I've already beat Ico so it's BG&E, Mercenaries, and SotC next.

In other news, I read two books this past week. That's a big deal for me, lol. I dislike reading books quite a bit. I have two reasons; I either get really bored with the book and end up writing my own and the other is that I have a hard time seeing well enough to read in general (I can only read out of my left eye because my right is so bad) so it's a general pain to sit and read through a book. I was quite surprised that the books I read interested me enough to finish them though. They are both translated from Japanese and have similar stories about the death of a loved one. The first one was Socrates in Love and the other was Be With Me. They were both really sad and they both made me cry, lol! I don't cry at all when it comes to death, at least in reference to people (I ball when it's a dog). Yet, these were actually so sad that I couldn't help myself. And I think that if you don't cry when reading those books, you truly have no soul.

I have also been working on my Sony History project. I'm only on chapter 9 :( out of the 37 I'm going through! I'm trying to get it finished up here pretty soon, but it takes me an hour to finish one chapter, so I don't know if I'm going to make my July deadline. I'll probably post it up on ESLS when it's finished though, so you'll have to check it out when it's done.

So what about all of you mina? Any plans for the summer?