Tadaima! I'm home! Yay, well I have to say my trip was seriously a killer!!! I had lots of fun. We ended up leaving at 6:00 a.m. on Saturday, December 8th. We didn't hit any traffic on the way down, which was amazing considering we have to go through San Francisco. We (the we being me and my father, lol) got into San Jose around 1:00 p.m. Since we had so much time before the hockey game, we went over to the Tech Museum and saw an exhibit called Body Worlds. It deals with real human bodies who have been plasticized. It was kind of cool (and creepy at the same time) since you could actually see the body's muscles and what not. They had a bunch of different organs on display as well. Plus, the entire nervous system, that was cool. Though I have to say, I'm never going to eat again. We also saw an Imax Dome documentary about the human body too. If you have been to an Imax theater before, the Dome is 10 times better!!! And again, I'm never eating, ever, ever again :P
After that, we walked through San Jose Downtown park. They were having their annual Christmas in the Park, so there were hundreds of decorated Christmas Trees all around. It was really cool to see. Too bad my mothe wasn't there since she's the big Christmas lover.
Then it was on to the Sharks Hockey game against the Sabres!!! All I can say is that I'm glad I like the Sabres! They are my favorite East Coast team! Other than that, it was a sad, sad, game :(. The Sharks lost 7 to 1. Ouch :cry:. But I got pie to help ease the pain from that terrible game.
The next day, we headed back up home. We stopped in Santa Rosa at the mall to buy some Christmas presents for my mother and then it was back home!
Unfortunately, I had finals the next day though I'm glad to say that I've gotten and "A" on all of them so far. I only have one left to do and that's a paper!
So, I'm glad to say that I'm back home and I'll soon have a lot of time to play games! Good luck to all of you who have finals as well! Hope you are all well!
In other news, I have another Wish List question. What 3 things do you want for Christmas that are over $1000? For me it's 1. 40" Bravia HDTV, 2. High Def SLR camera with lens, and 3. Yamaha Clavinova (electronic piano).