mad_tyger / Member

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The Dust Has Settled

Hey mina! How did Santa treat you? My Christmas went really well. Everyone liked the gifts they got, especially my dog, Monty. He loves wrapping paper, so he was in heaven. I got a bunch of cool things like Heroes Season 1 and a bunch of Anime DVDs. I also got a bunch of CDs as well, I think my favorite it one is Carnavas by the Silversun Pickups. I also got some books on ancient weapons and armor which is totally awesome. The only game I got was Lair . . . I think Santa was mad at me :P Though, it really isn't that bad of a game. I finally got my inventory all finished up too, so I thought I'd post some of my stats, lol. Just as a note, all of these stats are from items that I physically own, I don't count downloaded stuff. Also, all of these are official Region 1 or Region 2 products, since I don't buy pirated items. :P


  • Total Number Owned - 204
  • Unique Artists - 80
  • Total Number of Discs - 212
  • Estimated Total Value - $3,751.17


  • Total Number of Series - 92
  • Total Number of Completed Series - 87
  • Total Number of Discs - 389
  • Estimated Total Value - $8,393.74


  • Total Number of Series - 65
  • Total Number of Completed Series - 47
  • Total Number of Manga - 318
  • Estimated Total Value - $3,106.55


  • Total Number of Games - 223
  • Total Number of PS Games - 28
  • Total Number of PS2 Games - 84
  • Total Number of PSP Games - 49
  • Total Number of PS3 Games - 62
  • Estimated Total Value - $6,955.98

So, there you have it, my stuff, lol. My OCD really shows through with this, I so enjoy keeping inventory, it's really sad actually. Anyway, I hope you all had a great Christmas!