mad_tyger / Member

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The Super Bowl Is Over!!!

Yes, the football season is finally over! Which means more hockey for me! The season has already reached it's half-way mark and now it's a mad scramble for points as the teams compete for a spot in the Playoffs. With only a few true leaders in the standings, most teams are only separated by a couple of points. Which means, one game could decide it all. I think it's going to be a really great Playoffs this year and a great year for my Sharks as well. They aquired a new player, Jody Shelley, from the Columbus Blue Jackets. He's a great enforcer and will do wonders for the Sharks.

In other news, not much to report. I start going to work every week day starting this Tuesday. School is still going. I've been playing Burnout a bit but found that if I play it too much I might just break another controller again. I don't really get PO'ed too much, actually very rarely, but something about Burnout just sets me off, all the time. So, I take it in little pieces, lol. I'm getting excited about some of the new games coming up too. Army of Two, Rainbow 2, Lost Planet, Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, and Conflict: Denied Ops are just some of the ones I'm planning on getting. Other than that, not much going on. How have you guys been?