Can you believe it Cousin? It's March 24th, 2006, a full year since I got you. It still feels like yesterday when I went down to the game store and picked you up. You were so shiny and new, the cutest portable I had ever seen. I was so afraid of holding you because I didn't want to drop you or break you. I remember buying you so much stuff on your first day. I think I spent more on your peripherals than I did you. Cases, cords, protectors . . . enough stuff to make sure you were protected and happy. After that, I couldn't wait to take you home and turn you on.
Remember the first time you were turned on? You had just finished charging when I flipped your switch. Your start-up sound was like music from heaven and your screen shown brilliantly. When, I popped in the first game and Wipeout Pure began to play, it was a glorious spectacle of your talent. Then, there was the first time we watched Spider-Man 2. Your screen made that movie look so crisp and clean, it was amazing.
Though, it hasn't always been good times. We have played many games, some good but mostly mediocre boredom. With just music and movies to keep you occupied, you were neglected much too much. Most of the games I bought were just to give you something to do. It was hard going at times and I had wanted to quit during our first year together, but we stuck it out and survived.
We've been though good times and bad times together. Seen some of the worst and best you have to offer. But I know, deep down that the best is yet to come. So, happy first birthday Cousin . . . and I wish you many more.