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Uncharted Trophies and The Holiday Season

Hey mina! Have you all been enjoying the last bit of summer? I sure have, definitely been relaxing as summertime winds down. I have to say that I got some exciting news though today. One of my favorite games just got a patch to add trophy support! Yes, Uncharted now supports trophies, yay! It's one of my favorite games and I've been specifically waiting to play this game until trophies came out. So, now I can go and finish Crushing Mode :D

In other news, the last GAA meeting I was at (that's Gamer Addicts Anonymous if you didn't know), we planned out the entire holiday gaming list from August to December!!!! It took me a bit, but I finally narrowed it down to a handful of games I plan on picking up.

  • Mercenaries 2
  • Star Wars Force Unleashed
  • Buzz Quiz TV
  • MotorStorm: Pacific Rift
  • Rock Band 2
  • LittleBigPlanet
  • Mirror's Edge
  • Valkyria Chronicles
  • Resistance 2
  • Tekken 6

I'm also keeping my eyes on Shaun White Snowboarding, End War, Prince of Persia, and Eternal Sonata. I'm also saving up to get the Mad Catz Rock Band 2 Guitar and Bass. They look amazing! Full size and everything, I love it. Hopefully with them being officially licensed by Harmonix, that Mad Catz will do a decent job and make them very sturdy.

On top of all this, I'm also saving for a huge anime convention in San Jose, CA over Memorial Day weekend next May. If all goes well, I'm also going to meet up with my best friend, zeke2040 as well. So, if you are down that way in May, stop by and see us at the Fanime Convention :P

So what about you all? Have any games you're planning on getting or want? Anyway, that's all from me today folks. Take care, enjoy life, matane!