Wow, two blogs back-to-back, I must be sick . . . actually I am, haha! Anyway, well here's my update on what I think about the four new games I got. I finally got a chance to play around with all of them, so here's my thoughts. Just note, these are in no way reviews of any form. Just my opinions of the games, and remember I like sucky games too, so don't go buy any of these games on just my recommendation. Don't want you to get mad at me when you realize that you don't like 'em :P
1. The Eye of Judgment. First off let me start by saying I love tcgs even though I've never played a tcg. I've always only collected the cards never actually played the game. So, basically you get the EOJ game, a starter deck, booster pack, camera stand, playing mat, and the Eye for $69.99. Not bad considering the Eye is $39.99, a deck is $14.99, and a booster pack is $3.99 - so the game is only $11.02, lol. The stand is pretty easy to put together and it holds the camera well. The cards are well constructed too, just what you'd expect from Wizards of the Coast. The playing mat is actually made of cloth like a bandana, I was surprised at the level of detail it actually has on it. As for the camera, I was a little dissapointed with it. I was expecting it to give a clearer picture than it actually does. So, it's still below par with a standard webcam, though it does get the job done. You can tweak the camera settings which helps out a lot and makes the camera a lot clearer but it takes a little work to do. As for the gameplay, I found it very easy to learn. A few reviews mentioned that it's hard to pick up at first but I found it really easy, I didn't even look at the tutorials or manual (remember, I don't play tcgs either). Now because I'm OCD, I like to keep things in mint condition, so I put all of my cards in plastic protectors. The camera doesn't have any problems reading the cards with the protectors, which is nice. As for gameplay itself, I must say it's pretty fun and intuitive. The only thing I would warn you about is that the starter deck is very weak. So, if you just play with that, you'll be bored in minutes. So, if you plan on picking up this game, I suggest you pick up some boosters and maybe one of the other pre-constructed decks. Overall, I think it's well worth the price. It's both fun and unique. I think I spent 20 minutes just holding up my cards and reading the profiles. It's quite an empowering feeling and I even caught myself announcing the card I just summoned, lol. So, if you like tcgs, this is really a fun game. If you don't, I would suggest trying to borrow it from a friend considering the amount of money you'll have to pour into the game to make it really worth while. Like I mentioned before, you really need to invest in boosters and pre-constructed decks. Overall, I say it's about a 8.5/10 for tcg lovers and a 7.8/10 for a general game.
2. Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction. You should know by now that I'm a huge R&C fan. So I'll put this simply. It rocks, buy it now, don't complain. Really, it's a gorgeous looking game, it plays well, it's entertaining, and who doesn't love the groove-o-tron! As for the complaints that it's too easy, in a way it's an easy game but it doesn't mean that's a bad thing. It's amazing satisfying to blow hordes of robots apart with a tornado or making a bunch of space pirates break out in disco fever. Really, check this game out, there's no reason why you shouldn't already have it or at least have played the demo! Overall, I give it a 9.7/10 and I must say, this is probably one of my favorites of the series.
3. Skate. I'm a big fan of skateboarding games but I always felt like Tony Hawk games were missing something. Well, I found out what it is and it's the flick it system. Seriously, why didn't they think of that before. The left analog stick controls the body and the right analog stick controls the board. It's kind of like "duh!" should have thought of that sooner. But really, awesome gameplay mechanic that really should and probably will revolutionize skate boarding games. Though, it does have some downfalls. The camera perspective is similar to skate videos, where they record close to the ground, which means your character has a tendency to blot out everything except the sun! But I really enjoy the fact too that you can just skate around or if you feel like it, enter some competitions or complete some of the missions. Overall, I say this game is an 8.0/10. If you can get passed the stupid camera and the fact that places get crowded really easily, you should totally check this game out.
4. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Game of the Year Edition. I'lll keep this one short. Oblivion, rocks! Don't have it yet, get it! The only thing that bugged me is that the manual is the original one from the first release (at least they could have changed it!), all the menus are the same (again, change it!), and when you play the game, your online profile still says "Oblivion" (at least they could have added GotY or something!). Other than that, great game, it's great to see Shivering Isles. Though I will say this, if you already have Oblivion, save your money and just pick up the $30 expansion disc that contains Shivering Isles. I found out 5 hours after I bought GotY that they are going to release Shivering Isles separate! So I paid $30 bucks for nothing! LOL, but yes, overall I say it's a 9.5/10.
P.S. I have to wish my oniisan a happy 7th birthday today!!! Though he's not the original, he's the slimed down version, I still can't believe that it's been 7 years! Happy birthday :D