mad_tyger / Member

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Why I Hate EA

Rock Band, it's a great game but it's only as good as the controllers that you use with it. I thought I had solved my controller problem when I received my replacement guitar from EA after 2 months of waiting, calling, and hounding them to send me one. They even said I'd get a free game because of the amount of time it took to get my new guitar out. So, here it is, a week after I got my new guitar, and guess what? It stopped working! So, I called EA Support once again, to tell them that I either want another guitar or my money back, and that I'm still waiting for that free game. Guess what they said? They told me that if I wanted another guitar, it would cost me $125 for them to send one! That's how much I paid for the entire bundle! So, needless to say I was a little torqued by that. And it doesn't help, that everytime I call, they tell me something different. So, hopefully it will all get sorted out or the fur is gonna fly.

In other news, I start back at college next week :cry: Which sucks because I won't be online as much. I reserved Burnout Paradise but I get it the day I start school, bad timing, lol. Other than that, not much happening. We are still trying to get the new place up and going for work, once that's running, I'll be there 5 days a week. Though, ironically I won't be making more money than I am now :P Anyway, I hope you are all well. Take care mina!