mad_tyger / Member

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Yay! Summer Time!

I'm finally on summer break!!!!! :lol: And I actually passed all of my finals!!!! :P So, yes, it's really nice to finally get some time to relax and most of all - play video games, lol. I'm also getting ready to go down to San Jose for Fanime! That's going to be so much fun! So, life has been pretty good lately. Finally had the last night of league bowling on monday (I lost a bet with a co-worker, that's how I got stuck on the league, lol) and we actually got money back. $125 to be exact, w00t! I also had a guy ask me for my phone number, lol, that was funny. So yeah, things have been pretty good, hope all is going well for you. I will definitely have to tell you about Fanime when I come back and maybe I'll actually post some pics. I have a feeling that I'll run into some very interesting characters, lol. Well, good luck finishing up school, for those that are still going at it, and have a great summer :D

P.S. Ooh, too, which new PS3 games are you most excited about???? Me, it's Lair, Eye of Judgement, and Ratchet & Clank!