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got f*** up playing football

So im playing football on the solid ground and me and this guy right, both went for the ball and i almost had it and a retarded ass girl ran pass. first of all the girl slid underneath the boys foot and he hit his head on her shoe. lol. next i jup high so he slig underneath me and i do a flip in mid air believe me when i tell u this. it was like i was hit by a 16 wheeler over and over. i hit my hip and cracked it so im stuck in the houes throwing up blood and in pain and had to go to the emergency room. it was sick and crazy. now i dont play as hard but if u hit me right there it will a hurt on it. tryin to firgure ot why the pictures are not coming on my blog but thats okay. um dont really fell like riding anymore but i'll write tomarow probly wrong how u spell it but i dont give a f***.