Im the champ. Today i beat tenkaichi2 .I was so press. Not really but i got all of the characters i thought i didn't because i dind not have king picollo but i realized that that only for wii version. so at first i was upset but happy at the same time. It was like 10 o' clock when it happend. just a minute ago i was duelig 5 people with one person. with majin vegeta i got perfects. i kept doing air combos that lasted for a long time it was cool. i cant wait to get tenkaichi3 its gonig to be better i even hasbabidi as a playable character. and yakon i hope it has all dragons in gt and leave nothing out of the story mode now thats what i call a game . oh yeah and dont leave characters out of the ps2 and all the cool characters like king piccolo. but oyher that it is goning to be awwsome, freaking sweet whatever u want to call just nothing bad
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