This week freakin' reeks!!!
by maddog95376 on Comments
Say that five times fast. A lot of people say that this fall will be the best time to be a gamer. There are so many great and highly anticipated games coming out that are sure to fill any gamer's plate. This week is a perfect example, and I for one am so full from all of this gaming wholesomeness that I'm about ready to cough it all up. I'm still running through Rapture trying to finish Bioshock when I get a handful of games this week that are throwing me through a loop. I preordered the new Tiger Woods game, Blue Dragon, and Metroid Prime 3. Of course all three of these titles come on the same day. I have to squeeze four excellent titles in with school, work, and pooping. I haven't slept in two nights. I'm suprised that this post is even halfway legible. I'm sure anyone reading this might be in the same boat I'm in. The worst part, or best part if you're a glass half-full person, is that this is only the beginning. Halo Rock Band Guitar Hero Lair Heavenly Sword Eternal Sonata That's all my feeble, extinguished mind can muster for now, but I'm sure that there will be two dozen other must-play titles this fall. I need to win the lottery...