madg23's forum posts
I always heard that the MGS games were awesome but i never knew what they were talking about until i tryed them. I started playing MGS1 on ps3 and that was a good game, pretty easy to get into but i kinda lost a tiny bit of interest due to its age. anyway, i pulled through and beat #1 and it was good. than i started to play #2 the day after, and lemme tell ya, it was F****ng awesome, the story, the characters, everything. i beat that game in about 20 hours. took me 2 days. than i immediately raced to #3 (my favourite). i started playing this one and it just keeps getting better and better. the story on theese games keeps literally blowing my mind. took me about 20 hours again to beat that one again. the next day i was so excited to get to #4 so as soon as i came home the next day i started playing and didnt stop for about 13 hours. i beat that game even though it made me rage sometimes from infinite spawning enemies on some parts. When i finally beat it, it took me around 25/30 hours. A thing about theese games is they're more story than gameplay perse. Anyways if your even at all interested in a great game sereies i highly reccommend you download #1 on your ps3, than get the HD collection of 2,3 and peace walker (halfway through peacewalker right meow) and finally #4. theese only costed me about $50 because i got the HD collection on some weird sale. anyways u need to get theese games, it makes good references to other pop culture and its just the best story telling i've ever seen in a game, very epic. it'll be the best decision you've ever made. if you didnt like the games, thats fine, but seriously, they're great.
I have been playing games since i was a wee-boy and me and my 2 brothers all play inverted (looking down goes up and vice-versa), but in all my years of gaming, i dont know anyone personally who plays inverted. they all play "normal". so im just wondering what the ratio of normal to inverted players are out there
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