@Youareadonk @wickedsc300 So they are supposed to score the game not based off their opinion, but instead on what they think other people will like? Or are you suggesting there should be some sort of checklist as to what a perfect game is? I'm confused.
@dj_pulserfan Nice man. That's a steal. I was gonna post something similar, But I paid 10 bucks for the game and 10 bucks for the season pass when it was 66% off on Steam Summer Sale. Wish I woulda got the deal you got =P
This critique is a bit annoying. Why would they change the core mechanics of a great series? Oh no, you hit the same buttons to punch and avoid attacks as you did in the last game.. Kind of like every shooting game since first person shooters came out use the same buttons to do the same stuff in every iteration. I just don't see what they were expecting? Why don't we hear this kind of critique when it comes to shooters? "Oh theres some new weapons and enemies and a whole new campaign and mulitplayer...BUT it really doesnt change the "dynamic" of the game.. YOu still do the same shit every year in Call of Duty or any other franchise.
Plus the dude is clearly a hater.. "and the boss fight I did was just boring.
@RustedTruck650 Dude! They are both fantastic. I'd be willing to bet we get some cameos from the first two games in Second Son as well, so that alone might make it worth it.
@jagcivtec I'm not immediately intrigued by this new character either, but I trust Sucker Punch. Cole was quite the grump in Infamous 1. He was overly rude and brash most the time. While the actor in Infamous 2 was also really good, I definitely missed the grouchy Cole from the first game a bit.
@psychothepotato I think it was very much their intention to keep the Bungie signature feel to this game. They have even said that you will know you're playing a Bungie game when you play Destiny just by the feel of it.
madmartigan117's comments