fact of the matter is, that vista was basically an alpha release for windows 7. Because the original project that was supposed to come out after XP was "blackbomb" also known as "vienna"..the sad thing was, that people were getting a little anxious and tired of waiting, so microsoft did what they had to do - they collected and put together all the progress they had made with "blackbomb" into a separate OS, which was codenamed "longhorn" or as we know it now- Vista. So it's mostly our fault for climbing on their backs and then spitting on their heads, while telling them to work faster..so obviously it was made under some serious pressure, and the expectations got higher and higher..vista was bound to fail...well actually, come to think of it, it didn't fail. How can paid public testing fail..? cause i've always seen vista as testing some of the primary functions of the new coming OS, and they got their feedback- so let's just wait a bit this time, i'd rather it came out in 2012, then get another laggy, buggy OS, that wouldn't run as I wanted it to, on my rig(Core 2 Duo P8400, GeForce9600GT, 4GB ram = my laptop). peace.:)
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