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madnessguy10 Blog

News on Madness Combat 9

Hello, this is Madnessguy10 with a very important announcement. Madness Combat 9 is coming to and around christmas. Irealy cannot wait!!!!!!:x

How to get Youtube Videos on your PSP

Hello to anyone who is reading this blog. Today I will tell you how to get youtube videos on your PSP. First, you will need PSP Video 9, you can download it at Just type in PSP Video 9 on the searh bar and make sure it is on software, Then, find it and press download now, when you are done downloading, install it on your computer. When your done that, go on Youtube and copy the URL on one of the videos you want on this website,, when you are done coping and pasting the URL on the wbsite's bar, press the "Get It!" button, then this download link thing will come up and right click on it as save target as. Then put it in the folder you want and when it is done downloading, open up PSP Video 9 andclick on convert and click on "Start the Video Wizard", then select the file you put the video in and wait for it to change. When it changes , select your settings for the video and then click "Start Converting." Then when your video is done converting, go to library and remember to plug your PSP in your computer. Then highlight the video by clicking it once and press "Copy to Device." Finally, when it is done copying, look on your PSP for the video file and then you can play it!! I hoped this helped solving your problems on how to get youtube videos on your PSP.

Rock Band Rocks!!!!!!!!!

Rock Band has a good list of songs and I like the way you use the controllers and it is way better than Guitar Hero. I've heard that Guitar Hero 4 is coming out and it is going to have the controllers like Rock Band, but they are going to be a little bit different. Rock Band has a little bit of songs from Guitar Hero 3 on it like Paranoid by Black Sabbath. I like how you can create your own charactor, but Rock Band on WII that is coming out it won't have that feature. I like that you can form your own band with your friends or family. I got Rock Band a couple days ago and my friend helped me set it up. Rock Band is awesome!!!!! I give it a 10 out of 10.