MCM Expo 2011 kicked of for real this saturday, showing of the best fandom has to offer.
The expo halls were packed with people all the day through, even in the early morning you could see a long line of excited visitors making their way through a labyrinth of gates and fences.
Inside, a wide variety of goodies immediately came before your eyes. T-shirts, books, amazing hand-painted pictures, trade-cards and so much more. If you did not fancy buying anything, you could always walk up to one of the many booths that the game companies had set-up.
Did get a chance to play Ocarina of time for the 3DS, as well as Dead or Alive Extreme for the same system. Did not blow my mind to be honest, but both games had very smooth controls and looked great. The 3D did not make much of a difference for DOA, Ocarina utilized it better though.
In the main theater we got a talk about the writing process for X-Men: First Class, which is coming up on theaters in only a couple of days, and over at the Gamespot booth, which stole the show in my mind, everything was nice and cozy. Letting me play Child of Eden for the first time and getting my hands on Kinect was well worth a short wait in front of the TV.
The stage was packed with great guests, especially enjoyed the young boy who went up and played the pants of one of the stages in Child of Eden, impressing everybody who was around.
All in all, a great day. Just wished the prices for food and drinks could have gone down say... 5 pounds or so ^_^
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