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Edited By magekyou

@Willy105: A dozen people on a live game, WHAT? My dude you could not be further from the truth.

Live games have the team size of a regular release title for the entirety of its run. Super succesfull live games like DBD, Fortnite, Apex, CSGO ect have employees in the range of 300 - 1000 people working fulltime on the product. Even less successful ones have teams in the hundreds. A dozen people cannot run a live game, believe me. Not even 2 dozens.

These games have ridiculous release scheduels. The only two options is either to start work on future release significantly before they release, so multiple small 50 or so man teams working on each update, or you just brute force it update to update by throwing as much man-power as you humanly can. In both scenarios, you need alot of people. 3-4 months to release an update is a R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S-L-Y Short timeframe.

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@KFHEWUI Cool story bro."It was better before"

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Edited By magekyou

@CincoToes @Elann2008

Look man i'm tired of reading your crap all over this article.

They are investing in a multiplayer portion, so what? The single player still looks as amazing as ever. It looked great before they announced it, why is it suddenly changing?What the hell is it with this shitty mentality that they are taking "away" resources from the single player portion? Most of the time (Read always) a separate team works on the multiplayer aspect of the game. These guys are part of the studio yes, but never worked on the single player aspect. Same goes on for the SP team. You obviously have no idea how video game developments works. Come talk to me when you will be studying in the field.

And for christ sake, give them a fucking chance. They might actually surprise us. Just look at all the praise GoW ascension is getting from people who played it. Just look at how Uncharted became one of the most competitive PS3 MP (While winning hundreds of GOTY for it's single player portion)

Dead space 2 also had MP, but the SP portion was great. In that case the MP was a failure.Spec Ops the line also had MP, and had an amazing SP.Where do you see resources being taken away from the SP?

They havent even ANNOUNCED the damn multiplayer, why are you imagining 2 teams running around gunning each other ALA COD?