What types of people play which systems?
by maggamuffin on Comments
Before I typed this just now I asked myself the simple question: "what type of people play which systems?" Now let me say that I am not looking to make sweeping generalizations I am simply trying to define the main trends which may actually include groups that are in the minority among gamers on respective consoles but that does not mean that these people are not relevant. I am going to do this simply, the Wii first. The Wii has been mostly defined as a casual system. It is less powerful, but it is certaintly debatable whether or not it's users are "hardcore" or not. It often surprises me when I hear from somebody who played an n64 or a NES back in the day and still defines the Wii as casual when they consider themselves to be hardcore even having played those systems. My point is the only evidence you have to say that the Wii does not provide the same quality of experience is the 243 MHz GPU. There are still amazing experiences to be had on the Wii and although there is a large segment of the Wii crowd that doesn't consider if a game will truly give them an amazing experience and just goes with the marketing, I'm certain that nintendo sees worth in always having those fulfilling games if only because the casual market doesn't buy systems at launch. The passion of the hardcore will always effect things. There is one simple phrase to sum up a typical conversation over xbox live "I PWN YOU, YOU NEWB (3 letter F word)." That sort of thing has been drilled into the brain of any 360 owner who has played any online game on their system. Some people like it, most people hate it, but it's there and it's starting to effect the system I think. The exclusive games have hit the market Microsoft is looking for dead on, lots of satisfying guns and lots of competition but that's an interesting situation isn't it? I'm going to say it now, Microsoft is marketing to people on the basis of challenging their masculinity. I mean think about it how many times have you heard someone say, "PS3 is gay Come on! The chats you hear just support this with their constant insults and gay bashing. Obviously Microsoft does not as a company have these same feelings but It will be interesting to see how things will progress for the system and how big that market is because it does discourage anyone not within that group from entering, and so segregating the market. This all puts the PS3 in a favorable position in my mind. Disregarding all kinds of specifications of the 2 systems, let's just say they're about the same in terms of performance. The feel you get from playing on a ps3 system online is not one where you feel like you're playing with a bunch of idiots. I know that there will always be some stupid people out to ruin other people's experiences but i truly feel like people who choose the ps3 are the best types because they go for the types of exclusive games that have a lot more meaning. Now, first of all a few examples of exclusive games for the ps3 that don't have much meaning would be resistance and lair which are much the same as the 360's exclusives in that they are just trying to activate the awesome button in male minds. But with games like metal gear solid 4, ratchet and clank, heavenly sword, gran turismo 5, and the upcoming little big planet they don't seem to be trying to just do whatever the frat boys say. Sony seems to be backing games that strive to make you feel better, as apposed to making you feel like you need to beat somebody and make you feel like a loser in one of 2 senses whether you win or lose. So the people playing a ps3 I believe are more mature although there is still a substantial situation similar to the one I described pertaining to the 360 on the ps3. So as you can guess I own a PS3 but I don't believe what I'm saying constitutes fanboyism of the criminal degree, I believe my opinions are valid and supported by observations and the reports of others although I cannot provide sources thereof.