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magikman32 Blog

Dec 08 2006

Its been way to long since my last blog. Funny to read over some of my older stuff and see if I ended up doing some of the stuff I said I would do.

My gaming life has taken a turn into full time status. Well as much as a married w/kids guy who works full time can be. Lately gaming has gotten so good that I rarely watch live TV. I will catch up on my favorite shows via TiVo but other than that everytime I get to sit in front of my baby (60 sony 1080p) I am playing my 360. The console wars are now in full boar and although its early it really seems like 360 is the leader by leaps and bounds. Their online community will be tough to match. They have grabbed a few important exclusives from Sony and the graphics are as good if not better in most cases so Sony better rely on there fanboys cuz at that price tag not many casual gamers will pick it up right away.

Gears of War is bar none one of the best games ever made. This year I have had the pleasure of playing Oblivion, Gears of War, and Fear which I can easily say all sit very nicely in my top 10 games EVER and two of those in my top 5.

The limits on the 360 really seem endless with the expansion of the marketplace to include videos and movies. Can you say MULTIMEDIA center!!

I still pick up my psp every other night or so when I climb into bed and want to unwind. Playing alot of poker on my psp and still love the unit. My DS is even getting some action and I still think its a great handheld that provides lots of fun.

A few thing I really want thig Christmas are the wireless headset, Splinter Cell for the 360, Castlevania (DS). I hope by my next journal entry I will own a Nintendo Wii so I can start playing some of my favorite all time games like DOnkey Kong.

Im out

Entry 7 - April 27th 05

Man I am soooo heated right now. I had my longest journal entry ever and I pressed the wrong key and it removed it all. Oh well I hope I can remember what I said. As far as gaming goes its been a somewhat so-so month for me. After I finished God of War I just kinda checked out from the consoles with the exception of the Oh so frustrating MVP. This game just drives me friggin crazy but I keep coming back.

The end of this month has me really jazzed. J-Fizzle is coming back to the Jo and I cant wait for school to be over. School has been really wearing down on me lately but I sacked up and will end up pulling off good grades this semester again. Its taking its toll though. 2 years of this crazy schedule. J coming back makes me really pumped for SUMMA TIME. Golf, getting tired, playing ball with Tyler, and spending time with the family. Its going to be a good summer and ALOT OF GAMING.

So I have some cash burning a hole in my pocket and I want a game or two. God of War left me wanting puzzle action in my life. It gives you just a small taste and leaves you thirsty for deeper more intense puzzles that both frustrate you and make you jump for joy figuring them out. Yes, I am talking about the bueaty of a Myst puzzle. I dont care how bad this game ported to the XBOX I want to feed that hunger and Myst is just the thing ESPECIALLY for $19. VALUE PICK OF THE MONTH. So that leaves me with enough for an expensive game. I have been craving a sports title for the PSP and I just found out that Best Buy has NBA Street on sale for $39 so I am considering that but there are so many good XBOX games I want as well. I know as soon as summer ends I am going to triple my console time so I need to be prepared. Jade Empire looks really good and I asked the guy at EB about it today and he said its alot like KOTOR (BIG SUPRISE TO HEAR THAT). Ok its no suprise I didnt like KOTOR but that has nothing to do with the game or the game play it had to do with the simple fact that I have NO interest or never have had any interest in Star Wars. Never cared for the movies and never cared for any of the games. The fact that the game required alot of reading was the killer for me cuz it had me reading a bunch of stuff I just didnt like or grab onto. I think with RPG's you have to connect on some level with the content or you are screwed. Jade Empire is more something I could get into because I have always liked the martial art genre. Man I am rambling. Area 51 and SC also have my attention. I would get SC except for one thing. I could probably start playing Pandora where I left off and it wotn be much difference. Its not like I ever finished that game so I could jump into that before I get the new one. Psychonauts really has me thinking as well.

I just signed up with It is a photo repository that you can dump pics on for free and post them on sites like this. I did this because I am going to take some pics of my whole PSP set up including the bag and post it here for viewing. I plan on experimenting with the customizations of the PSP case and other things. Lately I have realized how important presentation of my gaming universe is. I want everything organized and looking good.

This leads to my OBSESSION. The PSP has grabbed me by the neck and swung me around a few times already and we are barely a month or two in. This system is simply incredible. It is a beast that is dying to get unleashed and attack. I cant get enough of it. I find myself thinking about this pocket jewel all the time. What can I do to it, how can I expand what its capabilities are. Whats next with this thing. Everytime I drive near a place that sells games I have to stop by just incase they have gotten something new that I didnt know about even though I check all the online resources atleast once a day. Its crazy and I think Im starting to lose my mind with this thing. Its like crack. Im pretty pumped Anthony likes it and cant way to play some three way action. jeanine is even talking like she would want one. Tyler is almost half way there as well.

ok this is getting way to long so I will leave this thread with my most anticipated PSP games of this year:

1) Hot Shots Golf (May 3rd)
2) Tomb Raider:Legend (TBA)
3) GTA PSP (Q3 2005)
4) Medievil Resurrection (Sept. 2005)
5) Stacked (Q3 2005)
6) Battlefield 2 (Q4 2005)
7) Viewtiful Joe VFX (TBA)

Not in any order but all these games will be in my collection. BELIEVE THAT


Entry 6 April 11 05

Since its been nearly a month since my last update I figured I would change it to Entry # instead of week #. It has been a very busy month on all fronts. First off Vegas was dope. We had the time of our lives and lived it up to the fullest. Seems like Jason really enjoyed it so Im sure we look forward to going again soon.

As far as games go, the PSP has become a major fixture of my household. Im even having to battle for it in the house. 4 games will tide me over for the time being. Twisted Metal, Ape Escape, Lumines, and Mercury are all fantastic games. They each bring something different to the table. Stoked J got his PSP but bummed it didnt have Spiderman. I should of just told him I would look for one for him cuz I found 4 at target a day later all with the movie. These machine holds alot that we have not even tapped into. I predict a year from now I will sending and recieving emails and browsing the web while listening to music and a game ready to go. This thing is icredible.

God of War, man oh man what can I say about this game that hasnt already been said. Fantastic and the funnest game to ever spin on my console (any console). I will finish this game soon believe that!!!!

Until next time!

Week 5 - Part 1 March 15th

Well my gaming life has not been that exciting. I have been playing all MVP and GT4 with a tiny bit of RE4 in there. I need to get over my fear of finishing this game. I just dont want it to end and by delaying technically I am still enjoying it. The game and story just keeps getting better. Time to bump up to ALl-Star in MVP cuz its just too easy right now.

THe PSP is on the horizon and should be in my hands shortly. This has alot to live up to cuz I am just about as pumped for this as I am for any other console. Not only the system but all the things that go with it like (games, Logtiech equip, case, movies, memory card, extra batter) FAKKKK

We are 1 week away from Vegas and it could not come quick enough. I cannot wait to plant my feet on Vegas concrete. This is going to be a trip we talk about for years to come. As long as Jason has the time of his life I dont care about the rest. I am real pumped about putting what I have learned to the test in a real casino and will power has to be my key.

Week 4 Part 1 March 6th, 2005

Well I had a very kick back weekend but didnt get a ton done on the gaming front. I gave up my franchise mode to start the owner mode and its pretty awesome. I have some basic complaints about the game but overall its a great game and will keep my company for a long time. I have faired well against all the boys but snuck away with some lucky wins against Kaleo where i needed a grand salami in the 9th to win it. J and I have had some good battles but I have his number BARELY for now, that could change on a dime. I hope to move up to All-Star by time I get to 25 games. My minor league teams are just horrible and I need to step in and fix that. I have been playing alot of GT4 as well. I am working on my international liscenses right now and it will take a couple more hours. It sucks cuz I am having to settle on alot of bronzes to get them. This game is going to take alot of time and I am loving every minute of it. I dont know how Jason is listening to me talk about this game without going crazy cuz this was his baby, not mine. The fact that I love it so much makes me almost positive that he will absolutely love it. I am usually dead on at guessing what Jason will think are gems and the farthest I have been is Chronicles. RE4 has been on the back burner and I cant explain why. I guess cuz I am at a frustrating part and I kinda dont want to finish it in a way. I am really going to try and pick it up and finish by time Vegas comes. Vegas oh VEgas!!! I cant wait for it to come and I am dying for it not to end. All I know is come Saturday the hogs are going to be in bed recovering from an eventful weekend that will see very little sleep and alot of drinking and gambling. I am reading Phil Gordons book and its awesome. I am already more than a quarter done with the book and I am learning so much. I going through this thing with a fine tooth comb, highlighter and pen in hand. I am going to go back and read Chapter 3 again as it has the core things I need to learn and follow when I go to Vegas. I have to memorize the groupings of cards. The book says every pro has this list memorized. For example Group 1 has A-A, K-K, Q-Q, J-J, A-Ks (s means suited) and then the groups get lower. So if you are in early position EP meaning you are one of two spots after the blinds you should only pay to see the flop if you have group 4 or higher. There are 9 groups and I am really going to try and follow this and see how I do. I may not win alot of money but what I can guarentee is I will last alot longer. I am pretty stoked about this. One thing I know is Jason is going to have the time of his life in Vegas. I just hope I havent blown it up more than I should and he will think it was overrated. Unlikely but you never know.

Week 3 - Part 2 Feb 22nd

Ok so its only 1 day since I posted in my journal last but if I happen to beat a game its going up right away. First I have to say Im a little heated over MVP not coming till tomorrow. Its just a bad day and I was really hoping to play J tonight. One day doesnt seem like a big deal but when you have things planned out and then they drop it sucks. They better have it tomorrow even though I am going to be busy as hell tomorrow.

Now for the reason for my posting. Last night I could not stand it so I stayed up till after 3am to finally kill Vaaiti the final boss on Minish Cap. He wasnt that hard but took on alot of different forms which were just kinda annoying rather than hard. His hits were not that powerful so I was able to get through it even though there were still 4-6 more hearts out there for me to backtrack and get. There are still alot of things I can go back and get but whats the point once the game is beat. Overall this was a great game and the best game ever to hit the handheld world. This will be very short lived as we are set to embark on a new generation of handhelds but I will let it live with this title for now. What makes this impressive is on this platform you cannot rely on graphics given it is a GBA so to make a game this good you really have to focus on gameplay and other things which hook us. I heard alot online that this game was a bit short but I have to disagree. I think the only way this game is quick is if you have the walkthrough with you at all times and follow it. I dropped atleast 30-40 hours into this game EASY and love every minute of it. I cant really compare it to other Zelda games as this is the first one I have finished ever. THis game will go down in history for me because of the way I stumbled onto it. While waiting for Tyler to pick a game in EBGames I started playing it on there setup and after 3 minutes I knew I had to have it. This game had a steady pace of excitement that included some very tough puzzles and a typical but good story line. I would highly recommend this game to anyone who owns a DS or a GBA because it is the ultimate time killer if you dont have access to a console at the moment of dropping 30-45 minutes before you start to fall asleep. It actually got me in bed quicker because I knew I could be in bed hella confortable and still be able to play a great game. So if Anthony or Jason read this keep this game in mind cuz it is a timeless game and will be one you cant put down until you finish it.

Just for my own record I did look at the walkthrough 6 times to help me get through instead of wandering around aimlessly.

RE4 is next on the chopping block but after that its going to be tough to tell what shares gametime with MVP. It feels so good to finish a game, it makes me more amped to play RE4 and finish it.

Week 3 Part 1 - Feb21st '05

Had a great weekend of gaming. I dont know what I was thinking when I said I was going to stick to just one game though. What a stretch that was, just not in my blood. I did play mostly RE4 and almost completed a lenghty chapter 4. THis game just keeps getting better and better. Now I want to know who this American Jerk is that is involved, TRADER!!! The boss I am at seems to be a pretty big challenge so I will be sure to wear my diapers next time I play. In Minish Cap I got the final element and now just have to find the final boss and that shoudl be it. I should be able to punch this out at work tonight since it seems to be pretty slow and its a holiday. Even after beating the game there is still some stuff you can do but with MVP only days away I can not picture playing this game after its done, atleast for a while.

I also got in about 2 hours of Wind Waker and got to the 3rd Island and Im loving it. The dark Island was a bit of a drag for me and made it frustrating. I dont know how many times I had to walk all the way up after falling off the ledge on the second island. This game is alot of fun so far. I think I may like Minish Cap as far as gameplay goes a little better but both great titles. Zelda is a baby I just gave birth to and I am loving the new discovery.

To wrap up my gaming weekend I played about 4 games of MVP to warm myself up for Tuesday when the new one comes out. Man I already know I am going to love this game and having it online will get me online ALOT. I also dusted of Up Your Arsenal but just could not get passed the part i left it on. SUPER frustrating but after dying about 10 times I got a pop up from the robot saying I should upgrade my armor. Damn that is a good idea if I had 250,000 bolts. I only have about 125,00 so I guess I may need to go back to the underground part where you can get a bunch of bolts and then upgrade my armor before I go back. Overall I got alot of gaming in this weekend so I was very pleased.

Vegas in less than 30 days baby. WE now have 4 and the trip just got a whole lot more interesting. I dont care what happens bottom line I am going to have fun and make damn sure Jason has the time of his life.

Feb. 14th Week 2 Part 1

Alright so today turned out better than I expected. My first class was boring as usual and damn I am feeling lost but knew the rest of the day wasnt that bad. Well my second class got cancelled and that is all the convincing I needed to miss my 3rd class and get some gaming time in. I played about an hour of RE4 and got to a very tough part in 4-1. I am going to finish this game if it kills me. Bitter sweet because I know I wont pick it up for a while after I finish it. Played some oddworld this weekend and really enjoyed it. Game is overlooked because of all the great games out and on the way out but still alot of fun.

In all honesty, this week was very tough for me mentally. One of my best friends had a tragic event happen and now my nephew is hurting in NY. I feel so drained and am tired of crying and feeling so helpless. So many times we question what life serves us and this week was one of them.

Now back to the fun stuff. I cant make a journal entry without talking about Vegas. It is coming quick and I cant wait to make it happen. Man oh man do I need a drink but I will make up for that and then some in Vegas. By the time this vacation hits I am going to be in some serious need for a break so it couldnt of happened at a better time. VIVA LAS VEGAS BABY!!! I only hope J loves this place as much as I do.

One thing that really keeps my viens pumping is gaming. Is that wrong or childish? I dont think so. Its nice when we find passions we can lean on and love. Gaming really makes things go away. Its a way to run away to an Island or a haunted castle or wherever that game may take you. For that time when those pixels spray your pupils with colorfull beauty all things bad seem to fade for even a while which makes it so so worth it.

I would be redudant if I listed what I planned on playing because its pretty much the same. I do want to mix in some PS2 though but we will see.

On some non-gaming notes: Tyler seems to be improving alot in baseball. The Hit-A-Way really seems to help him a bunch and fly balls are becoming ruitine for him. I cant wait till the season starts and only hope his coach is good. And I cant wait till Jason can be his private coach.

Feb 8th - Week 1 part 2

Ok so I didnt wait long to post again but thought I would just throw some stuff out there. I have been squizzing in an hour per day even on school days. Last night I played Minish Cap while chillin in bed and am one element away from finishing the game. Probably like 85% done and I still love it. There are a ton of things to do even after you finish the game like upgrades of your sword and linking all your stones with people. I have about 40 stones but running out of fools to link with. Kinda cool cuz when I get a little boared with the main missions or puzzles I just roam around and try and link up my stones with people and watch new little secrets open up. Probably the most entertaining GBA game I have played to date.

Ok 43 days till Vegas and the closer I get the more pumped I get about the trip.

My XBOX has got to be wondering whats going on because its been used as a DVD player rather than a console. Dont worry baby I will be back!!

I look forward to Thursdays now so I can finish RE4. I cant believe how close MVP is and now I cant wait. Jason and Ant dont stand a chance. Anthony is going to be really screwed cuz he still doesnt have an XBOX and if he doesnt get one by March he will not stand a chance. This game is going to be so dope but kinda depressing because there will no longer be anymmore MVP for a long while.


Feb 06, 2005 - First entry

Well I am finally deciding to utilze this cool feature. I figure this if nothing else serves as a great way to look back on future dates to see where I was and how much I have progressed since this date. Watching the Superbowl at work and man these commercials are pretty weak so far. Today before work I popped in Zelda: Wind Waker just because I had to restart the game due to mine getting erased. This game is simply unique in my book or atleast for me. Im sure people who have been playing Zelda games would disagree but since this is really only my second experience with the game its unique. I can tell I am going to enjoy this game for a while. I just got on the pirate ship and stopped. I have a ton of HW to do and then school starts tomorrow. Its going to be hard to get used to these weeks with no gaming between Monday-Late Wednesday. I may squize in a few late night session and go on no sleep but not this early in the semester.

Had fun playing Halo2 this weekend with Tyler and Anthony and even the session with Jason, Ant, and Kaleo. I have come to terms that I am just not good at this game but will continue to play it hoping one day I turn the corner and start to compete.

I need to keep on RE4. Keep playing both Zelda games (gba&gc). Once I am done with RE4 I need to finish off Paper Mario. WTH all Ninetendo games. Damn never ever thought that would happen. Only got the cube to entertain Tyler and now I find myself wanting to move it downstairs. I may have to steal it for a while or trade him with my PS2 for a while.

Speaking of PS2 I really want to put some more time in GTA: SA and finish off one of the greatest Trilogy's of all time Ratchet and Clank. I am really close. Oh crap and then I still have to start Metal Gear 3. Ok so XBOX will be taking a backseat for a while but I eventually want to get back to KOTOR 2 but that could be later this year if I am being realistic. As you can see I have plenty to keep me busy for a long long time and then add the games that are coming out in March and April, oh man. At this point I hope XBOX takes there time and makes a great product instead of worrying about hitting the Christmas deadline. I have enough games to last me a long long time.

On a final note I also started oddworld and man this game is really fun. Probably end up an underrated game and wont get much attention but is a qaulity pick up especially if it ever drops to $39.