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Entry 6 April 11 05

Since its been nearly a month since my last update I figured I would change it to Entry # instead of week #. It has been a very busy month on all fronts. First off Vegas was dope. We had the time of our lives and lived it up to the fullest. Seems like Jason really enjoyed it so Im sure we look forward to going again soon.

As far as games go, the PSP has become a major fixture of my household. Im even having to battle for it in the house. 4 games will tide me over for the time being. Twisted Metal, Ape Escape, Lumines, and Mercury are all fantastic games. They each bring something different to the table. Stoked J got his PSP but bummed it didnt have Spiderman. I should of just told him I would look for one for him cuz I found 4 at target a day later all with the movie. These machine holds alot that we have not even tapped into. I predict a year from now I will sending and recieving emails and browsing the web while listening to music and a game ready to go. This thing is icredible.

God of War, man oh man what can I say about this game that hasnt already been said. Fantastic and the funnest game to ever spin on my console (any console). I will finish this game soon believe that!!!!

Until next time!