Had a great weekend of gaming. I dont know what I was thinking when I said I was going to stick to just one game though. What a stretch that was, just not in my blood. I did play mostly RE4 and almost completed a lenghty chapter 4. THis game just keeps getting better and better. Now I want to know who this American Jerk is that is involved, TRADER!!! The boss I am at seems to be a pretty big challenge so I will be sure to wear my diapers next time I play. In Minish Cap I got the final element and now just have to find the final boss and that shoudl be it. I should be able to punch this out at work tonight since it seems to be pretty slow and its a holiday. Even after beating the game there is still some stuff you can do but with MVP only days away I can not picture playing this game after its done, atleast for a while.
I also got in about 2 hours of Wind Waker and got to the 3rd Island and Im loving it. The dark Island was a bit of a drag for me and made it frustrating. I dont know how many times I had to walk all the way up after falling off the ledge on the second island. This game is alot of fun so far. I think I may like Minish Cap as far as gameplay goes a little better but both great titles. Zelda is a baby I just gave birth to and I am loving the new discovery.
To wrap up my gaming weekend I played about 4 games of MVP to warm myself up for Tuesday when the new one comes out. Man I already know I am going to love this game and having it online will get me online ALOT. I also dusted of Up Your Arsenal but just could not get passed the part i left it on. SUPER frustrating but after dying about 10 times I got a pop up from the robot saying I should upgrade my armor. Damn that is a good idea if I had 250,000 bolts. I only have about 125,00 so I guess I may need to go back to the underground part where you can get a bunch of bolts and then upgrade my armor before I go back. Overall I got alot of gaming in this weekend so I was very pleased.
Vegas in less than 30 days baby. WE now have 4 and the trip just got a whole lot more interesting. I dont care what happens bottom line I am going to have fun and make damn sure Jason has the time of his life.